Homework Solutions - Intro. Heat Transfer
TTh 9:30-10:45 AM in Goessmann 20
[course description] | [syllabus]


HW#1: Chapter 1

1.6, 1.10, 1.13, 1.15, 1.24, 1.28 Problem Statements
HW#2: Chapter 2
2.13, 2.26, 2.39, 2.41 Problem Statements
HW#3: Chapter 3
3.9, 3.13, 3.15, 3.46, 3.60, 3.95 Problem Statements

HW#4: Chapter 3 Fins

3.101, 3.112, 3.123, 3.134, 3.146


Exam Soutions

Average: 70

Standard Deviation: 18

HW#5: Chapter 5

5.7, 5.18, 5.37, 5.53, 5.58, 5.71

Transient Heat Transfer Graphs

HW#6: Chapter 5

5.66, 5.76, 5.79

HW#7: Chapter 6
6.11, 6.26, 6.35, 7.2, 7.20, 7.22
HW#8: Chapt. 7
7.47, 7.58, 7.71, 7.78, 7.87
HW#9: Chapt. 8

8.31, 8.36, 8.52a, 8.85, 8.91, 8.104

EXAM #2:

Average: 70

Standard Deviation: 14


HW#10: Chapt 9

9.8, 9.18, 9.71, 9.97, 13.11, 13.21

HW#10: Chapt 13 13.37, 13.68, 13.71, 13.77, 13.94

Practice Final Exam and Solutions and other Practice Exam

Thursday May 5, 2011 - 4-6PM - Goessman 64


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Site last updated on May 4, 2011