MWRA system


Drinking Water Research Studies for Boston 's Pilot Treatment Program

CH2M Hill Consulting Engineers, 9/1/90-12/31/91

PIs: Reckhow & Edzwald
Students: Stephen Finch, Qingwen Zhu

The general purpose of this study was to collect water quality data, and conduct bench-scale and pilot-scale testing to help MWRA determine the best way to comply with the SDWA. The UMass portion of this work first focused on bench-scale testing of ozonation and its impacts on DBPs, AOC, T&O compounds and coagulation process performance. Later UMass provided analytical support for DBP precursor removal in the pilot studies.

Proposal, Plans and Reports

Project Data


Conference presentations based on this work

  • Edzwald, J.K. and D.A. Reckhow, "Ozone Effects on Algae and Tastes and Odors for Boston's Drinking Water Supply," Proc. of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conf., Am Wat. Wrks. Assn., Denver , CO , pp525-542 (1992).
  • Zhou, X., D.A. Reckhow and J.E Tobiason, "Formation and Removal of Aldehydes in Drinking Water Treatment Processes," Proc. of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conf., Am Wat. Wrks. Assn., Denver , CO , pp.291-315 (1992).
  • D.A. Reckhow, P. Byrnes Jaeger, Q. Zhu, Y. Xie, J. Weiner, J.K. Edzwald and B. Johnson, "Removal of Disinfection Byproducts by Filtration in a Pilot-Scale Ozonation Plant," Proc. of the AWWA Annual Conf., Am Wat. Wrks. Assn., Denver , CO Water Research pp345-372 (1993).
  • Q. Zhu and D.A. Reckhow, "Investigation of Pre-ozonation and Chloramination on Haloacetic Acid Formation," Proc. of the AWWA Annual Conf., Am Wat. Wrks. Assn., Denver , CO , Water Research pp259-275 (1993)
  • D.A. Reckhow, P. Byrnes Jaeger, Q. Zhu, Y. Xie, J. Weiner, J.K. Edzwald and B. Johnson, "Removal of Disinfection Byproducts by Filtration in a Pilot-Scale Ozonation Plant," oral presentation, American Water Works Association Annual Conference, San Antonio , June 8, 1993, Proc. of the AWWA Annual Conf., Water Research pp.345-372.

Theses/Dissertations based on this work


Additional Background: For other drinking water collaborations between UMass and MWRA click here.




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