
In the spirit of reproducible research, the following toolboxes and datasets serve as companions of several publications.

Matlab Toolboxes

  • Universal Compressed Sensing Estimation: Includes algorithm implementations for MAP estimation of compressively sensed signals using empirical universal priors. Also includes scripts to generate figures from the conference paper.

  • Spectral Compressive Sensing: Includes algorithm implementations for spectral compressive sensing recovery of frequency-sparse signals. Also includes scripts and data to generate figures from the journal paper.

  • Kronecker Compressive Sensing: This toolbox contains algorithms and data to generate figures from the journal paper.

    • Full toolbox - 3.5GB, contains scripts and data files to generate paper figures.

    • Basic toobox - 100MB, contains scripts to generate data for paper figures.


  • Mug and Koalas Joint Manifolds Datasets: Provides data from multi-camera acquisition of low-dimensional object articulations. These datasets were used for joint manifold learning in the joint manifolds journal paper (Compiled by Chinmay Hegde).

  • Acoustic Vehicle Classification Dataset: Includes raw dataset and feature extraction algorithms for acoustic vehicle dataseries from the SITEX02 experiment in Twenty-Nine Palms, CA, as detailed in the journal paper.

    • Timeseries files: This ZIP file contains the original binary timeseries for all runs from the SITEX02 experiment, November 2001, Twentynine Palms, CA.

    • Energy files: This ZIP file contains the energy series for all runs from the SITEX02 experiment.

    • Event Files: This ZIP file contains the event timeseries and feature files for all runs from the SITEX02 experiment. The datasets have been converted to Matlab format by Erdem Köse of Gebze Technical University and are available for download here