Reviews - Multi-Compound - Aldehydes - Ketoacids - Acids - Hydroxyacids

Single DBP - Large Studies - Other

(See also: Ozone Chemistry)

Major Reports & Review Papers on Formation of Ozone DBPs
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Reckhow O3 DBP review ppt   miscellanous data from literature and UMass studies in a powerpoint format
Chapter 11 in ICR report: McGuire et al., 2002; ICR Data Analysis; AWWARF 90947
aldehydes mostly  
Identification & Toxicology of Oxidation Products Produced During Treatment of Drinking Water, EPA report, Rice 1984 draft all oxidants, but emphasis on ozone  


Multi-Compound Studies
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Aldehydes (See also: Aldehyde Degradation)
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Can, Zehra S. (1999) Formaldehyde Formation During Ozonation of Drinking Water. PhD Dissertation, Drexel University.    
Zhou, X, D.A. Reckhow and J.E Tobiason, "Formation and Removal of Aldehydes in Drinking Water Treatment Processes," Proc. of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conf., Am Wat. Wrks. Assn., Denver , CO , pp.291-315 (1992). [CN66] similar to Zhou thesis Little research has been conducted on the formation and removal of aldehydes in drinking waters. Also, little is known of the possible mechanisms of aldehyde formation in natural waters. The first objective of this research was to investigate the effects of ozone dose, pH, and radical scavenger (sodium bicarbonate) concentration on the formation of aldehydes in drinking water treatment. A second objective was to investigate the effects of sulfite treatment for the purpose of removing aldehydes. The third objective was to examine the removal of aldehydes by rapid rate filtration in a pilot-scale water treatment plant.
Zhou, 1993; Formation and Removal of Aldehydes in Drinking Water Treatment Processes, MS Thesis, UMass data from Quabbin and RWA  
RWA Runs #1, #2, #3, #4 (1990) ozone, peroxone, permanganate, A portion of the SCCRWA Study from 1990 focused on the Lake Gaillard pilot plant (full project site).

Impact of Ozone and Peroxone on DBPs and AOC (Reckhow, 10/91)

ozone and peroxone; with & w/o chlorine on simple aldehydes A portion of the MWRA Study from 1990-91 focused on Quabbin Reservoir water (full project site).



Citation Notes Abstract
D.A. Reckhow, J.E. Tobiason, M.S. Switzenbaum, R. McEnroe, Y. Xie, X. Zhou, Q. Zhu, and H. Dunn, "Control of Disinfection By-products and AOC by Preozonation and Biologically Active In-line Direct Filtration," Proc. of the AWWA Annual Conf., Water Research, pp.487-503, AWWA (1992). [CN33] limited OBP data (glyoxal, glyoxalic acid & AOC) Many utilities in the U.S. are considering use of ozone as a preoxidant/disinfectant for the purpose of meeting new disinfection and disinfection byproduct (DBP) regulations. In the Northeast U.S., a large fraction of these utilities will be employing direct filtration, both with and without flocculation, to treat high-quality surface waters. When ozonation is used as a pre-treatment to filtration, substantial improvements in filtered water quality can occur due to higher levels of biological activity within the filter. However, little is known about the effectiveness of this biological treatment for DSP control. Neither is there much known regarding the conditions for best operation of biological filtration. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of pre-ozonation, filtration rate, and the use of chlorinated backwash water on the removal of dissolved organic matter. The organic parameters that were monitored were dissolved organic carbon (DCC), assimilable organic carbon (AOC), and a range of ozonation byproducts and chlorination byproduct precursors.


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Single Studies in VariousTreatment Scenarios
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Large DBP Studies with some Degradation Data
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