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CEE/EHS 597B - Potable Water for Small and Disadvantaged Communities

Readings (both required and optional or supplemental)


Overview of Treatment Technologies (9/11)

Pathogens and Waterborne Disease (9/20)

Wells and Groundwater (9/25)

Economics (9/27)

Regulations (10/2)

Institutions (10/4)

WQ in Distribution Systems + Sanitary Surveys (10/11)

Case Studies + Assessing Capacity (10/16)

  • Required Reading: refer to email

Environmental Justice (10/18)

Issues with Tribal Systems (10/23)

Special Treatment Issues: DBPs (10/25)

Source Water Protection (10/30)

Special Treatment Issues: Mn (11/1)

Plant operations and Northampton WTF (11/6)

  • Required Reading:Northampton's Water Management Act Permit (see: UMass website for Northampton Water)
  • Supplementary reading: slide show and other resources on the above site.

Data Flows, Information and Communication Technologies (12/4)



Additional background: In the US, there are about 150,000 public drinking water systems, of these 50,000 are considered community water systems.  The vast majority of these systems are small (serving less than 3,300 people), underfunded, under staffed and experience almost daily challenges to meet the needs of their customers, and the regulatory agencies.  This creates new underserved populations in communities that are often already disadvantaged; a situation that raises serious environmental justice concerns.  Solving these problems requires a concerted effort by interdisciplinary teams including social scientists, engineers, political scientists, public health scientists, chemists and economists.

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