ECE 332 / Syllabus / Guidelines for Lab Demonstration and Report

Guidelines for Lab Demonstration and Report

Lab demonstration guidelines

  1. The lab should be fully functional, meeting the requirements stated in the lab document.
  2. You should be able to answer the questions associated with the lab.
  3. Your code should be well written, formatted and sufficiently commented.

Lab report guidelines

All lab reports must be submitted typically 2 -3 days after the lab demonstration date. Exact submission date for each lab report will be posted on Canvas.

Each Lab report is graded for 100 points. Only one report is required per group. The report should be divided into following sections:

  1. Introduction: Mention the objectives of the lab.
  2. Detailed Procedure: Outline the procedures you have followed to complete the lab (20 points)
  3. Hardware Changes: Mention any changes you made to the hardware configuration provided (e.g., QSYS configuration, pin assignments, etc.). (30 points)
  4. Software Changes: Describe the changes you made to the source code that was provided. Include only code sections that you wrote, and describe them in some detail (no need to attach entire code). (30 points)
  5. Problems Encountered and Solutions: Mention any problems you have encountered, debugging approaches and solutions. (10 points)
  6. Results and Conclusion: Highlight key outcomes. (10 points)

Lab reports should be submitted prior to submission deadlines. Extensions are not given.