ECE 332 / Syllabus


This course teaches the theory of embedded systems design and demonstrates the concepts learnt by applying them to different facades of Electrical and Computer Engineering. There are 4 labs which make the student conversant in using state of art software and hardware design tools to achieve the goals. Gradually with these labs the students also understand how many of the embedded devices around them work. To be successful in these labs, the students must thoroughly understand the nature of the experiments conducted and the targeted end market of the design.

Students are usually required to work in groups of three, however a group of four will be permitted upon approval of the instructor. Students are required to demonstrate critical understanding of the labs as well as familiarity with hardware and software. Students must exhibit during demos that they understand what exactly is happening and how. Labs require system design skills and ability to understand the different building blocks and the connections between them. If a lab requires any peripherals like video cameras etc. they will be provided. The final grade is determined by labs and exam. Exam accounts for 30% of the grade, labs accounting for the rest.

Recommended Text: Marilyn Wolf: “Computers as Components 3rd edition,” Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 2012


ECE 231 Intro to Embedded Systems
ECE 331 Hardware Organization

Lab Grades

Once a group is ready to have their lab graded by the due date, they should sign up for a time slot to demonstrate their labs to the instructor. Sign-up page will be activated on the schedule page a day before the demo date. Students are required to demonstrate the correct operation of their implementation which will then be graded by the instructor. Optionally, for teams which have completed the lab before the due date, demo can be submitted as video recording for grading. Please note that it must be recorded in the presence of a TA, and sent to both the Instructor and the TA. A final report is to be submitted through Moodle/Gradescope by the deadline shown on the schedule. Two components determine the lab grade: Demo (90%), Lab report (10%). For general instructions and guidelines for lab demonstrations and lab report follow the navigation menu.

Late Policy

Project demos and lab reports are due as posted on the course web page. Late submissions will not be accepted in general and be graded at the instructor’s discretion. If you know that your project is running late, contact the instructor to make individual arrangements.