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2019: ACM Multimedia
Systems Conference (MMSys)
2020: IEEE
INFOCOM Workshop for Computer and Networking Experimental Research
using Testbeds (CNERT)
2019: ACM
Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys)
2016: International Conference in
Networking Science
& Practice (ITC) 28 Area 4 “Next generation and future
architectures”; ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys), Demo Chair
2015: ACM Workshop on Networking Support for Digital
Audio and Video (NOSSDAV)
2013: ACM Multimedia Conference, Area Chair
2012: International Conference on Testbeds and
Research Infrastructure for the Development of Networks &
2020: IFIP Networking
2019: ACM Workshop on Network and
Operating System
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), IEEE INFOCOM, ACM
Multimedia Asia
2018: IFIP Networking, ACN SIGCOMM Workshop on
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
2017: ACM Workshop on Network and
Operating System
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), ACM Multimedia,
ACM Multimedia System, IEEE MuSIC, IEEE ICCCN, IP Networking
2016: IEEE ICNP, ACM Multimedia, USENIX CSET,
IEEE MuSIC, ACM Workshop on Network and
Operating System
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), IEEE LCN, ACM Multimedia Systems
2015: NetSys, ACM Multimedia Systems, IEEE
LCN, IEEE MAS Workshop on Content-Centric Networking (CCN),
2014: ACM Multimedia Systems, ACM Workshop on Network and
Operating System
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), IEEE LCN, GENI
Research and Educational Experiment Workshop
2013: ACM Multimedia Systems, ACM Workshop on Network and
Operating System
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV),
2012: ACM Multimedia Systems,
2011: IEEE INFOCOM, ACM Multimedia Systems, ACM
Multimedia, ACM Workshop on Network and
Operating System
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV)
2010: IEEE INFOCOM, ACM Multimedia Systems, ACM
2009: IEEE INFOCOM, ACM Multimedia, YouTube
and the 2008 Election Cycle in the
United States, IEEE FNM, Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and
Applications (WASA)
2008: IEEE INFOCOM, ACM Multimedia, Multimedia Computing
and Networking, Passive and Active Measurement (PAM)
2007: ACM Multimedia, Multimedia Computing and
2006: ACM Multimedia, Multimedia Computing and
Networking, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking,
Euromicro, ACM Workshop on Network and
Operating System
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV)
2005: ACM Multimedia, IEEE Consumer
Communications & Networking, The Web
Conference (WWW), ICPP, Euromicro
2004: Multimedia Computing
and Networking, NRBC
2003: ACM
Multimedia, Multimedia
Computing and Networking