About Us

Jonathan Scharf

Jonathan's Picture

Jonathan is a senior electrical engineering student who interested in a research career in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. Currently, Jonathan performs research under Professor Qiangfei Xia at UMass Amherst on developing high performance memristor nanodevices for non-volatile memory applications. After graduation, Jonathan will pursue a Ph.D. with a focus in physical electronics and clean energy harvesting.

In the project, his responsibilities includes: constructing the transmitter and receiver coils, developing the tunable impedance matching network, and creating the PCB Layout for the final project implementation.

Steve Bevacqua

Steven's Picture

Steven Bevacqua is a senior electrical engineering student with an interest in power and RF. His responsibilities include the power supply, oscillator, and buffer stages of the transmitter. Additionally, the rectifier and DC-DC regulator on the receiver to supply the phone with power.