BDS - BDD-Based Logic Synthesis System (v-1.2)
To compile BDS:
(Skip this part if a compiled code is provided directly).

       1. Download and compile the CUDD package. CUDD can be found in
       Please use the same XCFLAGS to compile both CUDD and BDS.

       2. gzip -dc BDS-1.2r.tar.gz | tar xf -

       3. Change the WHERE in the Makefile of BDS to the place
          where you install CUDD. For SunOS, Solaris and Linux,
          you don't need to change any other setting. For HP,
          please turn on the corresponding XCFLAGS.

       4. type make.

To run BDS:

       1. Follow the man page in ./bds12.release/man/bds.1, or
          type "man bds" if your manual pages are set up correctly.

          Please pay attention to the "KNOWN BUGS", if any.

       BDS also dumps (option -dumpfdot) the final synthesis netlists
       in dot format. This option is quite useful for research purposes.
       You may also want to download the dot package. It can be found at

       To convert a file to ps file, use
               dot -Tps -o

       We would like to thank professor Fabio Somenzi for the permission
       to release bnet (Boolean network data structure) with BDS.

Final remarks:
       Any comments, suggestion and criticism are welcome.
       Please forward them to one of us:
