
SDP 2022 - Team 04

Problem Statement

Losing items can be irritating and stressful, especially when you’re short on time. Whether you lost your phone right before an important call, or you are late for work and can’t find your keys, these inconveniences always seem to occur at the worst times. Our solution will address this issue by using a mounted, self-contained system that is able to identify and find different objects in a user’s home. This information is then displayed to the user, making easier for the user to find misplaced items.


-Objects can be detected and learned by the system
-System remembers the last known location of an object
-UI can name objects
-System can show the location of an object

About Us

Bradford Gill
Electrical Engineering

Ashton Gray
Computer Engineering

Abhinav Sharaff
Computer Engineering

Grady Sullivan
Computer Engineering