
Developing a glove that enables those with significant visual impairment to navigate their
surroundings using haptic feedback that directly correlates with distance sensing.

Our Project

Visual impairment can significantly erode the independence of an individual. Traditional canes, guide dogs, and
sighted guides each have their own particular limitations. Our objective in this project is to provide an additional
means of navigation for the blind, using haptic feedback that directly correlates with distance sensing.

Technical documents

This section includes our presentation slides for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR), Midway Design Review (MDR),
Cumulative Design Review (CDR), and Final Project Review (FPR) as well as the Final SDP Report.

Who we are

We are a group of four Computer and Electrical Engineering students, advised by Professor C. Mani Krishna,
working on our Senior Design Project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.