Adaptive Reed Solomon Errors-and-Erasures Algorithm

Introduction to the Adaptive Reed Solomon Errors and Erasures Algorithm

Contact: Russell Tessier (

Adaptive Reed Solomon Errors-and-Erasures Algorithm

Information regarding the development of a hardware implementation of the adaptive Reed Solomon errors and erasures algorithm is provided in:

[1] L. Atieno, J. Allen, D. Goeckel, and R. Tessier, An Adaptive Reed-Solomon Errors-and-Erasures Decoder, in the Proceedings of the ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, February 2006.

Hardware Implementation

A zip file containing RTL code which implements an adaptive RS errors-and-erasures decoder is available here. Associated Verilog, MIF, and include files are included.

Scaling the Design

The RTL code for each design can be scaled by modifying the value of K in the file top_rs_decode.v (`define K217, etc). Testbench and simulation files for each value of K are included in the directory. The value K =239 is used as the default. This design will compile without errors using Quartus II version 5.1 using the project file located in the associated zip file. Valid K values are 217, 221, 225, 233, 237, and 239. Design size varies from ~14,000 LUTs for n=239 to ~27,000 LUTs for K=217.