Pipelining and Superscalar using SimpleScalar (2)

This lab extends the previous lab on pipelining and superscalar. If you have not completed the previous lab, please do so as you won't be able to do this lab without that.


1) In this part, you will change the pipeline configuration. Every thing else remains the same as in part 1) of the previous lab.

 a)            For this part, make a copy of default.cfg, call it config_c.cfg. Make changes in this configuration file as in  part 1) of the previous lab except that
             Resources all types = 4

b)           Run sim-outorder with the config_c.cfg file.

Q 1) What is the IPC (Instructions per cycle) of the test-math program using this configuration?

Q 2) Compare this configuration and configuration in part 1 of previous lab. Does the added resources increase  performance?



2) In this part, you will change the pipeline configuration. Every thing else remains the same as in part 1) of the previous lab.

  a) For this, make a copy of default.cfg, call it config_d.cfg. Make changes in this configuration file as in part 1 of this lab except that
                Inorder = false

b)           Run sim-outorder with the config_d.cfg file.

Q 1) What is the IPC (Instructions per cycle) of the test-math program using this configuration?

Q 2) Compare this configuration and configuration in part 1 of  this lab. Does the out of order increase  performance?

Q 3) As the system contains 4 Functional units in parallel, find the bottleneck of execution. This means changing the number of which  parameter of these
         Memory port
         Issue width
         Decode width

        will increase the performance most. You will have to run multiple simulations to see this. Change only one of these to 4 at a time and observe the effect on IPC.

Q 4)    Based on part e) what is the new IPC and what is your conclusion?



3) In this part, you will change the pipeline configuration.

a)            For this, make a copy of default.cfg, call it config_e.cfg. Make the following changes in this configuration file.

                  Fetch queue size = 4,
         Decode:width  = 4,
          Load store queue size = 8,
          Register update unit (ruu) size = 8,
          Issue width = 4,
          Memory ports = 4,
       Inorder = false,
          Resources all types = 1.

b)           Run sim-outorder with the config_e.cfg file.

Q 1) What is the IPC (Instructions per cycle) of the test-math program using this configuration?

Q 2) Compare this configuration with the configuration in part 2 of the previous lab.


4) In this part, you will change the pipeline configuration.

a)            For this, make a copy of default.cfg, call it config_f.cfg. Every thing remains the same as in part 3 of this lab except
Resources all types = 4.

b)           Run sim-outorder with the config_f.cfg file.

Q 1) What is the IPC (Instructions per cycle) of the test-math program using this configuration?


5) In this part, you will change the pipeline configuration.

a)            For this, make a copy of default.cfg, call it config_g.cfg. Every thing remains the same as in part 4 of this lab except
           Register update unit (ruu) size = 16

b)           Run sim-outorder with the config_g.cfg file.

Q 1) What is the IPC (Instructions per cycle) of the test-math program using this configuration?


Bonus part

Plot a graph using MATLAB or EXCEL showing the performance IPC as a function of # of resources (without modifying any other parameter). For this make a copy of the configuration file config_e.cfg used in part 3, call it config_bonus.cfg

 One the same graph, draw two plots. One plot should be IPC as a function of integer ALUs and the second plot should be IPC as a function of Floating point ALUs.

       Modify the number of each kind of resource independently from 1 to 4 (this means if you are varying Integer ALUs, Floating point ALUs should be fixed to 1 and vice versa) and suggest which one is more useful than other in gaining performance.