Class TableInputPanel

public class Table
extends Panel
A panel with components that allow the user to build and fill in a reservation table. This panel is shown at the center of the application when the user presses the Reservation Table Input button.


o tablePanels
    private Panel tablePanels

        A panel that displays the two reservation tables.

o TablePanelA
    private Panel tablePanelA

        The graphical representation of reservation table A.

o TablePanelB
    private Panel tablePanelB

        The graphical representation of reservation table B.

o inputPanel
    private Panel inputPanel

        A panel that allows the user to enter information about the number of resources and time slots there are.

o singleTaskMode
    private Checkbox singleTaskMode

        When this Checkbox object is chosen then the application is in single task mode.

o twoTaskMode
    private Checkbox twoTaskMode

        When this Checkbox object is chosen then the application is in two task mode.

o group
    private Checkbox group

        The Checkboxes singleTaskMode and twoTaskMode are place into this group.

o resourceLabel
    private Label resourceLabel

        A label displaying the text: "Number of Resources"

o timeLabel
    private Label timeLabel

        A label displaying the text: "Number of time slots"

o resourceTextField
    private TextField resourceTextField

        A TextField object that is used to enter the number of resources in the reservation table.

o timeTextField
    private TextField timeTextField

        A TextField object that is used to enter the number of time slots in the reservatio table.

o build
    private Button build

        When this button is pressed a reservation table is built with the specified number of resources and time slots.

o scrollerA
    private ScrollPane scrollerA

        A scroll bar for reservation table A.

o scrollerB
    private ScrollPane scrollerB

        A scroll bar for reservation table B.

o rta
    private RTA rta

        A reference to a RTA object.


o TableInputPanel
    public TableInputPanel(RTA rta)

        Creates an instance of TableInputPanel.


o createTablePanels
    public void createTablePanels()

        Creates the table panels.

o createInputPanel
    public void createInputPanel()

        Setup the inputPanel.

o createTable
    public void createTable(String resources, String timeSlots)

        Builds a reservation table with the specified resources and time slots.

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