Class State

public class State
extends Object
Stores information about the state, information such as the matrix representation of the state and the edges that are connected to the current state.


o id
    private int id;

        A unique number that is used to identify states.

o m
    private Matrix m

        The matrix representation of the state.

o edgeA
    private Vector edgeA

        A list of possible states that can be reached from the current state by performing task A.

o edgeB
    private Vector edgeB

        A list of possible states that can be reached from the current state by performing task B.

o task
    private char task

        The task A or B performed to reached the "next state"


o State
    public State(int id, Matrix m)

        Creates a new State object with the specified id and Matrix object.


o print
    public void print()

        Prints the values of the State variables onto the Java console.

o print
    public void print(TextPanel panel)

        Prints the values of the State variables onto the TextPanel object.

o printEdges
    public void printEdges()

        Prints all the Edges that are connected to the current State object onto the Java console.

o printEdges
    public void printEdges(TextPanel panel)

        Prints all the Edges that are connected to the current State object onto a TextPanel object..

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