Sample 3 --- a series/parallel system

In this sample, we have a complex series/parallel system with 8 modules and 7 nodes.

1. Input the configuration of the system

NodesNum = 7      ModulesNum = 8 
InputNode = 1      OutputNode = 5
A = (1, 2)
B = (2, 3)
C = (3, 4)
D = (3, 4)
E = (1, 6)
F = (6, 7)
G = (7, 4)
H = (4, 5)
2. Click the first RUN, then you will get below:

The diagram is shown below:

System Reliability = (1-(1-Ra*Rb*(1-(1-Rc)*(1-Rd)))*(1-Re*Rf*Rg))*Rh
3. Input the numeric value of reliability for each module:
0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9
Click the second RUN, then you will get below:

The diagram is shown below:

System Reliability = (1-(1-Ra*Rb*(1-(1-Rc)*(1-Rd)))*(1-Re*Rf*Rg))*Rh

Given Ra = 0.9, Rb = 0.8, Rc = 0.7, Rd = 0.8, Re = 0.9, Rf = 0.5, Rg = 0.6, Rh = 0.9,
Rsystem = 0.6876576000000001

4. Input the numeric value of failure rate for each module:
1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5
Click the third RUN, then you will get below:

The diagram is shown below:

System Reliability = (1-(1-e-1.5t*e-2t*(1-(1-e-2.5t)*(1-e-3t)))*(1-e-3.5t*e-4t*e-4.5t))*e-5t

The diagram of R(t) vs time t is shown below:


At time t = .1, R(t) =.46423998546424144
