Using Hypercube Simulator:

The Hypercube Simulator tool calculates three things:

The calculated values are output in the text area beneath the Run Simulation button.  The probabilities of each type of subcube are also represented in the two bar graphs located beneath the output text area.  Be sure to pay attention to the scale and boundary values of the bar graphs as they can change each time the simulation is run. 

The link reliability is the average probability that a given link is working.  It can be changed to any decimal value between 0 and 1.0.  The hypercube dimension is the dimension of the hypercube to be simulated and can be changed to any value between 3 and 30.  However, it should be kept in mind that the simulation time will increase exponentially with the hypercube dimension, therefore, any simulation of a hypercube of dimension greater than 10 should be expected to take several minutes, with extremely large cubes taking hours.  The number of iterations is the number of randomly configured hypercubes which will be tested in order to calculate the probabilities.  Keep in mind that the more iterations used to more accurate the values will be, and the longer the simulation will take.  Be sure to choose a value accordingly.  Also, note that if the value does not change more than .1% in 500 iterations the simulation will stop, having reached a stable value, and the total number of completed iterations will be displayed in the output text area.   A progress bar is also located directly beneath the simulation button in order to track simulation performance and progress.